All products offered through agripart.eu bear the warranty of Satnet Ltd. The manufacturers we work with, guarantee the absence of factory defects in their products. In the event of a defect, our service will repair or replace the product you purchased.

The products that are subject to warranty, out-of-warranty repair or replacement must be sent or brought to our service center in Karlovo at the specified address.

After admission to the service, our specialists will perform a complete diagnosis and analysis of the product. Possible activities are repair, replacement of defective parts, complete replacement of the product or return of the value in case of impossibility to perform the specified activities.

You do not need to keep your warranty card. In our database there is information about the history of the product, purchased by you.

The warranty is not valid in the cases when:

- The term has expired

- There are visible signs of injury, scratches, wear

- There are traces of an attempt to repair

- The packaging is damaged

- Improper operation

- Poor storage

After the expiration of the warranty period, our service will always be available to support your products.